Thứ Ba, 10 tháng 7, 2012

Chúa chạnh lòng thương

Đức Giêsu thấy đám đông thì chạnh lòng thương, vì họ lầm than vất vưởng, như bầy chiên không người chăn dắt Mt 9,36. 


Jesus is a Good Shepherd. He had mercy on every body, especially, the poor, the sick and some body who is excluded. Event in Today's Gospel proved that clearly.

Jesus had mercy on  the mute person. He drived demon out of this one, and finaly, the mute person spoke. The crowd were amazed. Like that, Jesus gave the mute person a big joy, what he wish for quite a long time.

Today, Jesus still call me and call you every body to continue His Mission. Let us réspond his call, and we give him our feet, our hands, our mouths. Let us come with the poor. Let us come with the sick. Let us come with the one who needs our help. There are many people living around us, no parent, no home, no food. They hope our help.

May God bless us, give us a large heart to bring Good News for our brothers and sisters. Amen.

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